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What is a node in a blockchain?

what is node in a blockchain
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Nodes in a blockchain keep the whole system functioning and secure. While cryptocurrencies and other blockchain-based applications get much of the attention, it is the blockchain nodes working diligently behind the scenes that truly power these networks.

A blockchain node is a computer or server that validates transactions on the network, keeping an updated copy for simultaneous broadcasting. It verifies digital signatures before adding them to the shared ledger.

In this article, we will explore what blockchain nodes are, why they are needed, how they function, and the different types of blockchain nodes that exist. By the end, you will have a solid foundation for understanding these essential components that make blockchains tick.

How do blockchain nodes work?

To understand their core functions, let's look under the hood of how blockchain nodes work:

  • Nodes maintain an identical copy of the blockchain and work to keep it updated in sync with others on the network.
  • They receive and validate new transactions, checking things like the sender's balance and signatures. Valid nodes broadcast valid transactions to all others.
  • Nodes group validated transactions into candidate blocks to add to the chain according to the network's consensus rules (PoW, PoS, etc.).
  • Through the consensus process, one node succeeds in adding its block to the chain, which is then replicated across all full nodes. They then work to extend it.
  • Running nodes also typically offer other services, like lightweight clients connecting through them, hosting decentralized applications, and more.
  • Successful blocks earn rewards like block subsidies or fees to incentivize the resource-heavy work of running nodes long-term in an altruistic network.
  • Nodes maintain the shared ledger, broadcast activity, group transactions, validate blocks through consensus, and provide wider access, forming the backbone infrastructure without which blockchains cannot exist.

What are the types of blockchain nodes?

While all serve to validate the blockchain, there are some different types of blockchain nodes based on their roles and capabilities:

  • Full nodes hold the full blockchain and participate directly in consensus. Considered the most secure but resource-intensive to run.
  • Lightweight nodes download block headers only to verify balances. They connect to full nodes to relay transactions instead of hosting the full chain.
  • Miner nodes are full nodes that contribute mining hash power to extend the blockchain in proof-of-work systems like Bitcoin through cryptographic mining puzzles.
  • Peer-to-peer nodes allow users to access the network directly as an alternative to lightweight clients without hosting a full node.
  • Exchange nodes are operated by centralized cryptocurrency exchanges to facilitate deposits and withdrawals from their hot wallets.
  • Remote nodes provide blockchain data as a service through reduced storage and bandwidth options compared to running a standalone node.

There are various categories of nodes in blockchain filling different functions, with full nodes maintaining the most robust functionality to support the security of their respective networks long-term.

node in blockchain

Why are blockchain nodes needed?

There are a few key reasons why nodes are indispensable for any blockchain network:


Blockchains rely on decentralization rather than a single point of control. Nodes dispersed across different regions and jurisdictions help achieve true decentralization by validating transactions independently. The loss of a few blockchain nodes would not compromise the whole network.


Having many nodes verifying transactions and blocks helps ensure no malicious actors can disrupt the network or alter records. At least 51% of nodes would need to collude to conduct a 51% attack, which becomes increasingly difficult on a larger scale.

Censorship resistance

With nodes globally distributed, it becomes nearly impossible for any government to censor transactions or shut down the entire blockchain. Even if some jurisdictions banned nodes, the network could still function.


Nodes in a blockchain provide access points for users, developers, and businesses to interact with applications built on a blockchain, helping to support widespread adoption and use cases. Without nodes, blockchains would have no way to connect to the outside world.


More nodes equals more processing power supporting the network. This increased performance capacity allows blockchains to handle higher transaction volumes and workloads as usage grows over time.

How many nodes are there in the blockchain ecosystem?

The exact number of nodes in the blockchain ecosystem varies by blockchain, but here are some statistics on the major networks based on available data:

  • Bitcoin. There are over 18,300 Bitcoin nodes globally, according to the latest estimates. Around 35–40% of them are located in the United States.
  • Ethereum. The Ethereum network has approximately 7,000 active nodes handling its transactions and operations.

As is visible, while the number of nodes varies, all major public blockchains have thousands to tens of thousands of nodes operating simultaneously.

This scale of decentralization helps ensure their security and censorship resistance. The higher the number of nodes, generally, the more robust the network.

How many nodes does a blockchain need?

There is no definitive number, as different studies have found blockchain security is maintained with different-sized networks of nodes. In general:

  • For a small testnet or lesser-known blockchain, as few as 50–100 nodes may suffice initially.
  • Most experts agree that over 1,000 active validating nodes provides a strong baseline level of security against attacks for a large public blockchain, despite the difficulty of coordinating a majority.
  • The most widely cited research suggests several thousand nodes dispersed worldwide offer excellent security, taking into account natural churn as some nodes shut down overtime.
  • Very large, core networks like Bitcoin maintain the highest security with their giant networks of 10,000+ independent nodes verifying transactions simultaneously.
  • A few hundred nodes is workable, but above 1,000 offers the best security profile, according to research, with more always providing additional robustness to the consensus mechanism. It ultimately depends on each project's resources and ecosystem.

nodes in blockchain ecosystem

Can I own a node on the blockchain?

Absolutely. While not everyone will run their own node due to resource requirements, it is possible for users, businesses, or developers to set up nodes depending on the specific blockchain.

For most large blockchain networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum, individuals can download the necessary software and run a full archival node with no major barriers to entry. Others with more intensive needs may require additional technical knowledge or dedicated hardware.

Crypto staking and crypto mining operations typically require more dedicated server-grade equipment and long-term uptime to actively participate in consensus.

In all scenarios, though, users can opt to run remote or light nodes with reduced capabilities depending on their goals and constraints.

So while not mandatory, with the right technical skills and setup, anyone can become a node operator to directly support their desired blockchain in a decentralized fashion if they wish. Many even offer it as a commercial service.

How do I buy nodes?

For those interested in running nodes but lacking the hardware or expertise, several companies now offer blockchain infrastructure solutions through what's known as Node as a Service (NaaS).

Buying a blockchain node today is as easy as choosing a reputable NaaS provider. This lowers barriers to entry for newcomers or those wishing to use nodes without self-managing infrastructure.

  • Service providers like Cryptobunq offer turnkey staking and validator nodes hosted in professional data centers, removing complexity with NaaS.
  • Some platforms make it easy to set up nodes for major chains like Ethereum with a few clicks, billed monthly.
  • Crypto exchanges run their own dedicated validator nodes as a service that users can delegate funds to for network participation.
  • Projects themselves may list dedicated hosting partners offering pre-configured nodes if you want to directly support a specific blockchain ecosystem.

The bottom line

Blockchain nodes form the backbone infrastructure powering these novel technologies in a decentralized manner.

Whether individuals choose to self-operate validators, delegate through exchanges, or use NaaS, node ownership will continue to grow the decentralized economies of blockchain networks worldwide.

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